Simple ways to live the Fourth Phase

Peter and Claire’s Message

Photo from Oxfam – Getty images

This is our only world

A plea to save their world

Imprinted on our Leaders’ minds, this image – unforgettable – while making decisions for climate change.

Each voice carries the power of change

Choosing lasting quality means no waste.

When we decide to fill our lives opting for choices of lasting quality, we find no need to Replace so often, or swap for new ephemeral fashions.

It just needs our minds unflinchingly made up to Reject and Change habits and rules endangering our planet.

As we clean up our lives, we clean up our earth.

Spring water the song of life

Once from the quiet mountains came the magical sound of pure Spring water cascading down the channels, the acequias.

A bubbling, sparkling flow carrying Life with it.

Lost now. But let’s keep our precious spring water in glass bottles, like wine or spirits or in light flasks for our walks.

Avoiding the unending accumulation of plastic bottles discarded over land and oceans. 

Keeping our land and ourselves healthy

A taste of heaven

This we can often achieve by joining together to grow and maintain life-enhancing food we need in our gardens, allotments, fields and land and even herbs on terraces.

So we can share and enjoy the exquisite flavour of fresh fruit and vegetables grown in rich naturally composted soil – a gift we offer our health.

Two children’s vision of their paradise

Painted on an old sheet glued on cardboard – (8 and 6 y)

Let’s dwell among the scent of flowers, the nearness to animals loved and admired, the inspiring beauty and freedom of Nature all around.

Then we become aware of this dream…


Innocence – joy

May we honour their trust in us 

Together with our heart-wisdom strong
Together we make our world
Together we lead the way towards a Future of Hope