To All Our Wonderful Molino Friends

who have shared this haven of peace surrounded by a vision of

Nature’s unspoiled beauty


As we gently approach the outcome of a very happy, enchanted life

… ‘living in the fourth phase way since we met’ as Peter wrote,

we wish you all the great luck we have known as guardians of a

precious space on our beautiful, irreplaceable Earth.


The Spirit of ‘Sharing our Earth’ was born in our hearts and later became


where Peter’s fourth phase way of living flows freely…leading to happiness


Beyond today…

The Fourth Phase Way!

 Described and explained in the book:

The Four Phases of Society by Dr.Peter Peeters


Molino – saddest news July 2022

Peter has left us… but his soul’s vision of life’s beauty and joy of living are with us – always.

Peter darling, you will always remain our inspiration.

El Molino de Lizar, your lovely Creative ‘Space between Heaven and Earth’,

where amongst the beauty of Nature… in Silence the Soul flourishes.

Join your love to Peter’s in sharing the earth his 4th phase way


Today, from our inborn human wisdom rises a cry for Change

Our Earth is our only real Treasure

Thanks to all for opening up new ways of living, Peter & Claire.


A Farewell to Peter

Remembering the Molin​o as a haven of

peace and beauty

of​ joy and Peter’s smile

Reaching out to Peter

With your great love of our Planet Earth, you have opened your soul

and like a spring, gathered drops of each of us

to flow in a sparkling stream towards your * Future of Hope *

Darling Peter, your vision lives on and finds evermore resonance in other open souls.

  Peter you knew how to love deeply, with soul, spirit and body

giving all

With my unfailing love, Claire


We gathered around you Peter in the little zen garden on Saturday. Natasja and Philippe
spoke to you, spontaneous words of deep love and sorrow from their hearts. Each friend present spoke to you Peter. You felt very near us.


from Gwen

Losing Peter is still so raw in my heart, but I am trying to send love to him, rather than feelings of missing. 

he is gone

and in your place

such missing

have we lost you now

in the void beyond or the vastness of tomorrow


see the light bounce off the house on the hill

the violence of your parting

your absence


you are here

in every nook, tile and leaf

and always, always in our hearts


Then came flying in words of love to you Peter, from far and wide


My heart is broken, I am so sorry to hear about this tragedy. My wishes are with Peter and with yourself.

Peter was one of a kind and I am forever grateful to have had his positive influence in my life.  He had a powerful presence, with infectious optimism and beautiful insights which he shared with all.  He shall certainly continue to provide guidance for many despite no longer being amongst us.  He will be missed by many, but especially by myself.



My dear friend Peter, your body may no longer be with us, but without doubt, your spirit lives on. Peter/Claire, you are the Molino, Peter/Claire, you are the mountains, that bond cannot be broken. Your spirit, Peter, lives on in all those people who came to know and love you, what a wonderful gift to humanity. Fly high my friend.

Rob & Caroline


Peter and Claire, you were my favorite argument for soulmates and that love exists in this form, just less often than others. You are a unit and everyone who has seen you together knows that one will not be complete without the other.

As I write this I can’t stop crying , not directly for Peter, even though it pains me to see him no longer in his old place on the sofa , with his peaceful smile and all his books. In my mind he will always be there.

I cry because I know how much the emptiness must feel for you. Please know that I am hugging you tightly now and you and Peter are both deeply anchored in my heart, not only as people I love very much, but also as the one rare image of pure love I have had the pleasure to encounter.

Please know that Peter and you have not only created a little paradise on earth, you have also given many people a feeling, an image, an idea of what love can be. Never forget that. You leave behind much more than you think.

Peter is no longer here with his body, but with every atom of his being he is with you, that is not a question, but a fact.

He is a part of the Molino and you, just as you are of him, he is just one step ahead of you in coming and going in the circle of life,

Your Jana


The unthinkable has happened, you have left us quietly and painlessly in your sleep, without a word, like all the great sages, seers and saints do…like the Buddha did, like Goenka and many others did…

I am happy, lucky and proud to have counted you as one of my dearest friends in this life and others I am sure. Until we meet again, I wish you to be happy Peter, be happy, be happy…

Your kindness, your intelligence, your truth and honesty, your many skills – writer, movie maker, scientist, thinker…were an inspiration to so many. We are sending you all our loving thoughts which will no doubt reach you wherever you are.

Claude and Lasandika


To Peter

I knew you for so long, your way of seeing life entered profoundly into my heart and it transformed my vision of everything in my life.

During all these years we shared so many ideas about life, about discovering the world, but also so many jokes and fun.

Keep your happy, mischievous smile and sense of humour we shared

For ever, ever



We can’t begin to say how sorry we were to hear your heartbreaking news.

He was the most beautiful man we were so privileged to have known. Our conversations we will treasure all our lives. His soothing words of wisdom and advice will stay close to our hearts.

I wish we could have had one last time spent with Peter, even in his presence he brought such peace and love to Nick and me.

Ann and Nick


Susan and I were devastated to hear the sad news of Peter’s passing and we have been reminiscing about the unforgettable times we spent with Peter and Claire at El Molino.

Peter was a remarkable man. Many of us have dreams but few achieve them. He was someone who had the intellect to be able to articulate the life that he wanted yourselves and others to lead and the drive and determination to turn that dream into reality. What’s more, and we will be forever grateful for this, he had the generosity to want to share that life with others, like us, even if only for a few weeks at a time, after which we came home refreshed and inspired. We will greatly miss his welcoming hugs and his passion for El Molino life.

Neil and Susan


Oh I am so sorry to hear about Peter passing away that’s so sad. I am thinking of you all the time.

It was delightful knowing Peter what a talented man he was just love his books and his energy and outlook on life and the earth, he loved you so much I could see that in his wonderful books. The Molino a special place with Claire and Peter in my heart for ever a very special time in my life.



When souls like the one of Peter leave this planet, the light seems less bright for a while and we have to get used to the new situation. And even though it’s tuff without him here, it’s obvious that he has fulfilled his task and we can be glad to have known and loved him. Soon to be reunited in the next chapter of our existence.



To Peter

He truly was a beautiful soul, and he’ll live on in his words and thoughts, which touched the lives of so many of us.

I’m so sorry and sad to hear of Peter’s passing.

Sending all our love in this time of grieving. 

Sally, Ed and Jet


He will fly like an eagle in the beautiful mountains of Andalusia, Frigiliana. We will burn a candle in the cathedral of Maastricht.

Andre and Sabine


I send all my love to Peter

Oh my dearest Claire, I felt it. I knew it when I saw that you had phoned me. Please be strong



We were in shock of this terrible and unexpected news. We can’t believe that this has happened and we are extremely saddened by it.

It is unbelievable. We have placed our Buddha statue to remember Peter.

Marc and Greet


My guiding memories of Peter are of a very intelligent, friendly guy who also had a heart and cared for the world around him. He saw the future before it happened, wrote it down and showed the way…

Will always remember him



To you,

Peter, all around the mountains still resonate with your laughter, in the rivers the water-drops dance with your joy and in our hearts remains your creative presence forever. Lucky those who followed the mountain path to the Molino de Lizar, that haven of peace that you created with Claire, that unique space where one always comes back to as our refuge and the promise of a fourth phase of love of nature and silence.

Cher Peter, là ou tu es maintenant, tu suspends ton vol, et ton sourire plane avec la sagesse que tu nous laisse en cadeau. La beauté de ton regard brille encore dans nos yeux et ton exemple nous accompagne dans nos chemins. La lumière sera toujours plus brillante après t’avoir rencontré et la joie de t’avoir eu comme ami.

Ami tu le sera toujours, et de nous tous: – ami des gens qui t’ont croisé sur leur route, de ceux qui ont lu et continueront de lire tes livres, ami des enfants qui ont partagé tes jeux pleins de malice, accompagnés de ton sourire miraculeux;  – ami des animaux qui t’ont approchés, des plantes que tu as arrosé, des fleurs que tu as cueilli, des arbres qui t’ont offert leur ombre et leurs fruits; ami de tous ceux que tu as rempli d’espoir par ta présence d’ange.

Nous avons aimé – énormément – et  continuons d’aimer Peter. L’amour que nous avons pour vous deux, aujourd’hui trouve son prisme en toi Claire.



Pattie and I are devastated to hear the saddest news of Peter’s departure. While we take comfort from the knowledge that a special place will be reserved for this special man in the next world, it cannot lessen the loss.

It is a constant regret that we have been unable to visit you at the Molino for such a long time. Your “space between heaven and earth” played an important part in our lives and will always hold a place in our hearts.

Peter will be sadly missed by so many people and we feel fortunate to have been able to count him as a friend.

Pattie and Roger


The Message is touching me deeply. 

I see all the pictures of the Moments. That you and Peter play a big role in my life.

He was a beautiful Man with an Open, giving Heart.

I am feeling sad that Peter is gone. And knowing his soul is in the big Soul now that is surrounding us. In a way he is more near than before.

And I think about you…I send you all my love, embracing you, holding  you.                                        



We are heartbroken by the news of Peter’s passing.

 He is a lasting inspiration and we celebrate the amazing life he had.

His soul and thinking live on

All four of us send our love and caring spirit.

Marc and Sira


Farewell dear Peter

with deep gratitude I like to thank you for your love, inspiration, generosity and protection over the years.

I was welcomed wholeheartedly into the resplendent safe haven the Molino, a reflection of your beautiful soul.

May the Molino continue to fulfil your wishes and vision.

I believe you are now flying high like the silver bird in eternal peace, love and light.



We are very sad to hear that Peter has left us. He was just such a genuine kind and warm-hearted man, always ready with his welcome hug.
It came as quite a shock to us as we had chatted to him only a few weeks ago. We are only sorry we didn’t have the chance these past two years to see you both once more in beautiful El Molino that you created together. You and Peter were so good together. With all our love. 

Gemma and Andrew


Our thoughts are with you
we want to send our love and the biggest of hugs on hearing the
saddest of news about your lovely Peter.

Words can’t express how much we enjoyed our time at El Molino we have never forgotten our time with you both. Peter’s Fourth Phase way of ‘Sharing Our Earth’ sounds very soul enriching.

Sending our heartfelt sympathy and much love

Sue, Richard and Chi Chi


Peter’s leaving this earthly plane is very sad indeed.

Of course Peter’s essence will remain with you.

To be in Peter’s ‘space’ I’m sure enriched everyone’s lives.

And sad though it is his prescient view of the need to adopt the 4th phase is staring us all on the face now with one global crisis following the next.We know we were truly privileged to have met you both and being allowed, indeed welcomed into your paradise between heaven and earth. We send love and positive energies.

Sue and Nick


We were so shocked and saddened to learn about Peter’s passing. May he rest in peace.

When I visited you in November, I was thinking Peter looked strong and healthy.

We will always remember our time in Spain as something very special. Especially the many hours in your lovely surroundings. Peter would always meet you with a smile.

Your life together has been absolutely fantastic. We both think, many people wish they could have the same lifestyle. Share some, living the tranquillo life in one with nature.

Know you have the support and love of so many around you.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.                    

John and Camilla


That is truly the saddest news

You and Peter built such a full and fascinating life together

You both have been inspirational to us; we share your views and values, and we feel so fortunate to have experienced first-hand your magical world at El Molino.

I thought of you two just last week because I’ve been rediscovering books and belongings. I sat on the front lawn with our copy of the stories and photos from your fabulous expedition through Africa and reminisced…

Please be assured that Alex and I will think often of you both and do our best to live in harmony with the natural world. 

With love



Nous restons sidérés par cette terrible nouvelle.

Nous participons au plus près à la perte de Peter, croyez à toute notre profonde émotion

Thérèse-marie et Jean  Pierr


I’m so terribly terribly sorry, your soulmate has gone to join the stars

and the light.

I cherish his memory

I wish you all the strength and love that you need to enjoy Peter’s and your place between Heaven and Earth for as long as you can.

Love and hugs,       



To Peter

I’m so, so sorry

What a truly lovely man he was and how much better the world was with him in it.

Oh Claire, I don’t have words to tell you how sad I am to hear this,  how devastated you must be. My heart and my thoughts and my love are with you both. If there is anything I can do to help…I am sending you love and support

Jo. Xxxxxx


This has, indeed, been the saddest news.  We all feel the devastating loss.

We have all been so very privileged to know Peter.

To spend quality time with him; to talk, read, eat, joke, laugh and just listen to Peter’s many stories is an absolute joy – something we will never ever forget.

You have both always been in our daily thoughts and you will both continue to be so.

Is there anything at all we can do – anything at all  Sending our love.



Harry and I were very saddened to hear of the passing of Peter, the Molino will not be the same without him in his little bit of heaven.

Knowing you will be lost without him but there are so many lovely memories.

Harry and Anne


I’m so sorry to hear the news of Peter’s passing. I can’t quite believe it.

I feel honoured to have known and loved Peter.

We have been sharing memories and photos all week and smiling about all the wonderful, beautiful times we shared at the Molino over the years. I will always remember your hugs on our arrival and the smell of the flowers and your warmth and kindness and generosity and your apple pies and all the fun we had and your smiles as you waved us off. Sending all my love and a thousand kisses. 



Peter was a wonderful visionary

and it must have been amazing sharing your life with him.

We have so many Molino memories and are all thinking of you both so much, with love



Peter will always remain fondly in our hearts.

We shared the saddest news with Mum

We have only the best memories of Peter and the Molino and he will be missed. We talk of you both often and you are always in our thoughts – now more than ever

Sending our love

Ed and Imo


Peter était un Bel Être et sera à jamais parmi nous

Claude et moi sommes très attristées par la nouvelle,

notre cher ami restera à jamais dans nos pensées

Je t’embrasse tendrement



So sorry to hear that Peter has passed.

We all have such treasured memories of our times spent at El Molino,

the kindness that you both showed us. Our thoughts are with you.

with Love

Janet and family


To Peter

You and Claire were (and you are) amongst the most radiant and beautiful people we ever met in our life…

Remember the numerous gifts you have given to so many who had the pleasure of encountering you, Peter and Claire

Malika and I are both very saddened by this news…little can we say to ease the pain I guess…apart from (above) If anywhere I can be of help, reach out, honestly, please reach out to us.



Very sad and sorry to hear of the loss of Peter

We have very many happy memories of Peter and you at El Molino

Thinking of you always

Christine and Richard


Peter will always be remembered for his vision and books

I am deeply sorry for his loss.

I would have loved to chat with him about the fourth phase, because I really liked his book, but I guess that the best way to honour him will be to always remember the message he passed and live the ecological revolution for a transition to a new style of life.


Laura Areia do mar


SO sorry to hear this saddest of news

You both lived life to the full which is how it should be

and I am sure Peter’s legacy will live on for many decades to come.

I trust his spirit will remain close to you in your lovely welcoming Molino.

I shall always count it amongst the greatest strokes of fortune in my life to have met you both in your fabulous Molino,

Indeed that whole day when I also met the wonderful Farrell’s sisters is one I shall treasure forever. 

My thoughts are with you both.



Oh Claire. Devastating news.

Peter was a wonderful person, brimming with ideas, vision and a generosity of spirit.

It was always a privilege to speak with him and hear his wisdom

Jackie and I were so fortunate to be able to see him on our visit only three weeks ago. It is hard to believe he is no longer with us. Our thoughts and prayers are with you



To Peter

He is a Great Man

The kindest I know

Yes, I will follow his way

You both are and always have been a wonderful inspiration to me.     

I am so sorry



For Peter

Peter was a truly remarkable and a wonderful man.

He will forever be with us and one day we will all meet him again.

We are so, so sorry to hear about Peter

We send you so much love,

Lucie and Chris       



Tu es la personne que j’ai le plus aimé au monde.



It was a shock to hear of Peters’ passing,  I haven’t phoned earlier as I couldn’t immediately accept  it.

My heart goes out to you.  Love



Bill and I are so very sad to hear of Peter’s passing.

I can’t tell you how very sad we are but also grateful for having known him and his amazing outlook.

We will never forget his welcome on that moonlit night when we arrived at the Molino for the first time

Our thoughts and blessings are with you.



To Peter

An inspiration, a wonderful man, a generous man, a good friend.

I loved in him that he took nothing for granted, that like the pure scientist he was, he investigated in depth. He lay aside the accepted conclusions and beliefs of others, and looked into things and events afresh.

Peter’s vision went much much further

 he treated things with respect and honour, researched with dignity and equanimity.

He would apply his skills from one discipline  (e.g. physics) to another discipline (e.g. economics). His result was a broad integrated holistic fresh view of the subject

His authenticity and clarity has been a great inspiration to me.

It has been a wonderful privilege being with him, talking about all manner of things with him … enjoying his radiant humour.

I mourn Peter with “an auspicious and a dropping eye”, as Shakespeare puts it. I miss his physical presence to banter and exchange jokes with, but I am also able to rejoice in sharing his temporal and eternal presence.

Thank you, Peter!

All my Love, dear Friend,

I hug You



Looking at the stars with Peter, being aware of his clear vision of how we and the stars, the trees, flowers and bees are one,

each reflecting the whole in the resonance of life

Sharing Peter’s thoughts and writings, understanding his vision of a way of living in harmony with all

A gift for us all now.



On est tellement tellement tristes d apprendre que notre cher Peter nous a quittés.

Tellement tristes de ne pas l’avoir revu depuis longtemps … on le regrette tellement.

Marie-Paule et Cam


Palabras para Peter

Dear Peter

I’m writing you this brief message because although I did not meet you personally the day you left this world

I felt a sense of peace and a special energy

when together with your wife and friends we put our hands together and said goodbye.

You had to be someone very special because Claire’s words of love for you touched my soul.

Buen viaje Peter…I’m sure you are in a better place.



And there are many, many more…  the Molino friends’ caring flow reaching out to you and holding you with their love Peter

Santi * Lisa  * Carolyn and Gerry, Thomas * Annette and Mark * Christina *

Rene et Arlette * Susan R * Valerie * Mila and Manuel * Victor D *

Marianne M * Fiona * Peter F * Noemi et Michel * Maria K * Vicky

Theresa C * Damian * Ana and Antonio * Agostina * Mariana *

Myriam *….  Et bisous de Nathalie, Emilie, Selena pour toi Peter.

These words of sadness and joy, shouted as loud as a slight whisper on the wind, flowing down from the mountain of the Molino, can never replace Peter’s presence. But they may go a way to express how much he is missed and what a void he leaves in our hearts. Gwen


I never had the opportunity to meet Peter in person but his message for the World is here to inspire us through Claire, the Molino and his books. The Fourth Phase is here to expand through people from heart to heart and hand to hand. Let us all be a part of it.

Charlotte and Anders