It’s wonderful that people are interested in the beavers and appreciate what
these eco engineers are doing to ‘repair’ the environment.

These wonderful creatures create habitat that supports so many other species
and very much deserve the title of ‘nature’s engineers’
It is a joy to see the beavers back in the rivers and there is a great deal of
interest from people coming to see these amazing animals.

The beavers we visit are on the River Ericht which is near Blairgowrie in Scotland.
I am lucky enough to have a job taking people to the river and spending a
couple of hours watching the beavers, and often otters, kingfishers, heron and
lots more…
Wonderful what you see if you sit quietly and wait

Extinct in Scotland for 400 years there are now approximately 1200 beavers here. They are a protected species now in the UK and although there are issues when they come into contact with farmers/landowners who feel their land or crops are being negatively impacted, the beavers can be trapped and trans- located to another area
Joan Woodsford